Boys Choir

Waaaay back when I was but a wee lad--third grade if I recall correctly, or maybe fourth--my best friend's dad was the choirmaster at the First Presbyterian church. Being vocally inclined myself, Billy Evans, my friend, asked me to join him. I sang with them for...oh, about a year until my extracurricular schedule caused a conflict with their choir time.

Mr. Evans, obviously seeing that I had something to offer, recommended that I consider another local choir so I auditioned at St. Luke's, an Episcopal choir for men and boys. I was accepted, and thus began my professional singing career. It's true! I was paid about $8 a month, again if I recall was a long time ago. Richard Webster was (and still is!) the choirmaster there, and did an amazing job conducting and teaching us boy sopranos.

I remember that my L.D.S. church services were in the afternoons when I started at St. Luke's, so I could go to choir on Sunday mornings and sing, and still be able to go to my church in the afternoons. Then, at the end of the calendar year, my family switched wards (congregations) in order to keep meeting in the afternoons so that I could sing in the mornings. As a result, I met my best friend Rob in that afternoon church. :) I also gained an...eye-opening view of other religions. I would come home and ask my parents why St. Luke's used incense and we didn't. Why did they have processions, and genuflections, and about a hundred other things that we didn't? It helped me to grow firmer in my faith by helping me to not take things for granted in my own religion.

The only reason I'm writing about this now is that my son, J, received a special invitation from his school choir teacher stating that he might like to try out for the choir at Christ Church Cathedral, also an Episcopalian boy's choir. I must admit that I'm of two minds about it.

On the one hand, I see what a positive experience it was for me, and how I grew musically, socially, and spiritually. On the other hand, I don't know that I'm ready or willing to alter my L.D.S. church attendance to provide this opportunity for my son. Heck, this all might be a moot point anyway since he doesn't even audition until next Monday. But I must admit that I'm not sure what to do if he is accepted.


Kara said…
Yes, I am having the same thoughts. It is hard to know what to do, but I figured we'll worry about it after he makes through the audition and go from there.
Anonymous said…
An interesting dilemma. I have also sung for other denominations, and was hired as a professional soloist for a year with one congregation. It was the right thing for me to do at the time, but for half of that year I became "inactive" in my own ward as the times conflicted. It looks like you have decided that you feel comfortable with having your son audition - and now you are waiting now to see if he wins an invitation. If he is accepted to the choir, then you will be faced with the next decision. I suggest that you all(including son if possible) use this as an opportunity to fast and pray together over it. All things are for our experience and good - however, it may or may not be the right timing for this experience. The Lord will know what your family and son need to do at this point in your life - and He is "stands at the door" waiting for you to ask Him. The most precious gift we have daily from the Lord is the right to personal revelation and inspiration. Perhaps the fasting and prayer experience you have over this will be the most rewarding thing of all. - best wishes
Teric said…
That's fantastic that J recieved the invite, Brig--chip off the old block, eh?

But yes, I would be torn as well. I agree with mormon_soprano here--fasting & prayer before making a decision. Let us know how it turns out!

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