100 Pushups - Week ?? Exhaustion Test

Sometimes good intentions fall short of proper implementation. Last week, I had intended to stick to week 2's sets. I didn't. I did day 1 on Tuesday and either forgot or blew off days 2 and 3. In fact, it was after 10 pm yesterday when I remembered that I was going to do an exhaustion test at the end of my "week off."


I maxed last night at 65 push ups! I guess a week of rest really did me some good! So I'll start up again in earnest today on week 5 again--I figured it would be a good idea to run week 5 again since I never really finished it well either time I did it. I am, as I'm so fond of saying, "cautiously optimistic" about actually being able to achieve my goal! I don't think it'll come by the end of next week, but I'd say that by Thanksgiving I should be able to get my 100.


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